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Enjoy Piano Playing

I think sometimes I think too much when I am at the piano, especially when I want to compose something new – I have a lot of expectation – and then the question goes, “what if I don’t have any new ideas?” . It has deterred me from even going to the piano lately.

Finally, I have decided to make a change. I just simply find an hour to play in the evening, no expectation of any kind. This is the hour that I am not working on any specific pieces or programs, preparing for piano lessons or finding teaching materials for my students. It is for ME.

I would just sit and play something random, find some new sound, and form some new ideas. Then, I go with it. I improvise away. It’s been only a couple days but I feel amazing. The music is coming along splendidly. I am having some new ideas…

And I promise when I have the ideas gathered to become a coherent piece of music, I will share it with you. Right now, I am going to enjoy this new found music space.